Summer Club 2020 – Letter from the General Manager

8th June 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this finds you all well.

As time is moving on, I am sure you are thinking about Summer Club and the places that you have booked for your young people.

At our Trustees meeting on Thursday last week, we discussed the options for Summer Club and agreed that, sadly, it is not appropriate to run a physical club as the safety of our children, young people and staff is paramount.

We will, however, be investigating an online offering to include videos, live group events and interactive sessions that you can take part in if you wish. We hope to include a wide variety of subjects such as animal encounters, games and stories that will appeal to all of our young people.

More information on the programme and details of how to book the interactive sessions will follow via social media platforms. There will be no cost for joining in with this.

Some of you may already be following our Facebook page. If you are not already following this, please do take the time and have a look at what’s been happening over the last few weeks. Our Facebook page is also a good way of keeping up to date with information about the Club.

Some of you have already paid for your Summer Club sessions in advance and we will be in touch with you separately regarding this in due course.

I am sure you will understand and appreciate the reasons why this decision has been made but we do hope that you will join us for Summer Club in the new format.

We are constantly monitoring Government Guidelines and hope to return to our usual sessions in the Autumn if appropriate.

With best wishes to you all.


Covid 19 – All Clubs Cancelled Until Further Notice

Due to the current situation around Covid 19 we have taken the decision to cancel all clubs until further notice.  We are monitoring Government advice and guidelines and the health and safety of the children and young people and our staff is our priority.

We will post regular updates on our facebook page The Hollow Lane Club so please follow the page to keep in touch.

If you have any queries please email as this will be regularly monitored.


Please find details of the Ofsted inspection report from 27 January 2020.

The Trustees have said:

“We are extremely proud to share the Hollow Lane Club’s latest Ofsted inspection report.  The report clearly recognises the excellent skills of Mary, our General Manager, and the whole team and in particular refers to HLC “providing children with the very best play and learning experiences they possibly can”.

Ofsted noted “laughing and giggling can be heard throughout the club, as children enjoy their activities with each other and staff”.  What better feedback could we ask for!

Trustees, The Hollow Lane Club”

It should be noted that the inspection was made as the Club is registered on The Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register and Voluntary Childcare Register as an out of school day care provider.  As no under 5s were present on the day, the inspector was not able to give us a detailed grading (we previously were graded outstanding).  The judgement of ‘met’ means that HLC meets requirements for registration.  The language of the report tells use what the inspector saw and recorded on the day and the only options for grading were ‘met’ or ‘did not meet’ requirements.  The report can be found at and general information at

Siblings Club – Dartington

We are very pleased to announce that a new siblings group will be starting at Dartington in the New Year.  A siblings group has been running successfully in Exeter for many years now and we are very excited to be able to offer spaces for this group in Dartington.

For more information please phone or email Deb on 01392 463823/.


Fundraising News

A parent and friends completed the Three Peaks Challenge and raised £165 in sponsorship money for the Club.

The Eagle One cycle ride raised £1500 for the Club.

We would like to thank both parties very much for their efforts and support.  We are very grateful and will put the money to good use.

Many thanks from everyone at the Club.


Eagle One Cycle Ride

Just a reminder that the cycle challenge in aid of the Club will be taking place over 12/13 July.
Representatives will be in Princesshay on Thursday 4 July with collection buckets and static cycles. Any help or support would be appreciated.

Club Attendance

Just a reminder to all parents and carers that if your child will not be attending a session can you please give as much notice to us as possible as this will have an impact on our staffing ratios. Your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you.